Land of Tulips

Top Notesbergamotcyclamenfreesia
Heartgreen grasstulip
Base Noteswhite musk
Tags #fresh #powdery
Style unisex
Land of Tulips - Aura of Kazakhstan - Bloom Perfumery
Land of Tulips - Aura of Kazakhstan - Bloom Perfumery
Land of Tulips - Aura of Kazakhstan - Bloom Perfumery
Land of Tulips - Aura of Kazakhstan - Bloom Perfumery

Did you know that tulips originate from the lands on which modern day Kazakhstan is standing? Then from the foothills of Tien Shan, the flower travelled west with Sultan Suleyman’s army around 16th century.

Land of Tulips is an impression of flowers welcoming spring in the steppes with a bright carpet of gentle fresh bloom.


Top Notesbergamotcyclamenfreesia
Heartgreen grasstulip
Base Noteswhite musk
Tags #fresh #powdery
Style unisex

Did you know that tulips originate from the lands on which modern day Kazakhstan is standing? Then from the foothills of Tien Shan, the flower travelled west with Sultan Suleyman’s army around 16th century.

Land of Tulips is an impression of flowers welcoming spring in the steppes with a bright carpet of gentle fresh bloom.