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PG06 L’Eau Rare Matale (Discontinued)

Sunny Bergamot vs Scorched Wood
Top Notesbergamotsage
Heartblack teagreen teasmokevetiver
Base Notesmuskscorched wood
Tags #fresh
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PG06 L’Eau Rare Matale (Discontinued) - Pierre Guillaume - Parfumerie Générale - Bloom Perfumery

L’Eau Rare Matale is a fragrance inspired by black tea and a place renowned for growing some of the best teas the Matale region of Ceylon.

L’Eau Rare Matale works like a very contrast painting where the main character (tea) is brought forward by a bright citrusy bergamot note as if by candlelight from the dark background of darkest tea, vetiver and scorched wood notes.

Out of stock£140.00, 100 ml EdT £116.67 your price - £23.33 (UK VAT deducted)
Out of stock£95.00, 50 ml EdT £79.17 your price - £15.83 (UK VAT deducted)
Out of stock£6.00, 1 ml EdT £5.00 your price - £1.00 (UK VAT deducted) Sample discount program
Out of stock3 tokens, 10 ml EdT What's this? Learn more
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Top Notesbergamotsage
Heartblack teagreen teasmokevetiver
Base Notesmuskscorched wood
Tags #fresh
Style for him

L’Eau Rare Matale is a fragrance inspired by black tea and a place renowned for growing some of the best teas the Matale region of Ceylon.

L’Eau Rare Matale works like a very contrast painting where the main character (tea) is brought forward by a bright citrusy bergamot note as if by candlelight from the dark background of darkest tea, vetiver and scorched wood notes.